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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community


Le Magazine vise à promouvoir le partage d'articles sur des sujets pertinents pour la communauté des professionnels et des praticiens de l'ALE Afrique - avec un accent sur les nouvelles informations d'actualité relatives au secteur y compris de nouvelles méthodes et approches.

Par ordre du:
  • /uploads/Flags/_768xAUTO_crop_center-center_none/37342/IMG_0938.jpg

    Spotlight on Literacy: Christopher Olur’s Journey from Illiteracy to Empowerment - Ouganda


    | Caesar Kyebakola | DVV International Lifelong Learning

    What does it mean to learn reading and writing as an adult? What are the challenges, and how does it change your life?
    En savoir plus
  • /uploads/_768xAUTO_crop_center-center_none/Adults-craving-for-education-in-Malawi.jpeg

    The painful, hefty price for illiteracy


    | Imam Wali AEA Lifelong Learning Education For All

    People pay a hefty price in Malawi for illiteracy and lack of education.

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