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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community


The Magazine aims to promote the sharing of articles on topics relevant to the community of ALE professionals and practitioners in Africa – with a focus on new, topical information relating to the sector including new methods and approaches.

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    UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Bulletin, July 2024



    July newsletter of the UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning.

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    Historical Development of Adult Education in Tanzania - Tanzania


    | Joseph Masonda | DVV International ALE Education and colonialism

    In 1970, the first president of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, declared the year "Adult Education Year" and moved the programme from the Ministry of Rural Development to the Ministry of National Education.

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    Learning Visit at Ruvu JKT Community Learning Centre (CLC) - Tanzania


    | Joseph Masonda | DVV International Community learning

    This visit showcased the Ruvu JKT CLC reinforcing the importance of community-based education.

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    The Government of Tanzania Commits to Further Support for Adult and Non-Formal Education - Tanzania


    | Joseph Masonda | DVV International ALE

    During a recent four-day technical meeting in Tanzania, the government commited to further support to ANFE in the country.

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    The Shadow of Ignorance: How ALE Can Illuminate the Law - Malawi


    | Dyson Mthawanji | DVV International Malawi ALE Benefits of ALE In Africa

    In the vast expanse of Africa's rural landscapes, a silent obstacle hinders the pursuit of justice and equality: ignorance of the law.

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    CarnaJloud: The Seeds of a Typical Carnival - Tunisia


    | Oumayma Kefi | DVV International Tunisia Environment

    On June 10, 2025, the Centre Culturel de Djebel Sammema hosted the event CarnaJloud, a youth mini-carnival based on sacrificial skins.

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    CarnaJloud : Les semences d'un carnaval typique - Tunisia


    | Oumayma Kefi | DVV International L'environnement

    Le 10 juin 2025, le Centre Culturel de Djebel Sammema a accueilli l'événement CarnaJloud, un mini-carnaval jeunesse basé sur les peaux des sacrifices.

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    « Mille et une peaux » à djebel Semmama, Tunisie : Valorisation écologique des peaux de moutons à l'occasion de l'Aïd el-Adha - Tunisia


    | DVV International Tunisie L'environnement

    « Mille et une peaux » à djebel Semmama, Tunisie : Valorisation écologique des peaux de moutons à l'occasion de l'Aïd el-Adha

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