About the Journal
The MOJA Journal of Adult Education is a journal committed to sharing and advancing knowledge and practical experience among the African adult education community to benefit the continent and its people. It is transdisciplinary in nature and strives to be inclusive in scope by accepting contributions which promote the intersection of theory and practice in adult learning and education in Africa. Practitioners, researchers and academics across all levels and sectors of adult education and adjacent fields are invited to submit contributions.
The MOJA Journal for Adult Education was launched in May 2022 following the establishment of the MOJA Digital Platform in April 2021. It is published once a year; each volume is dedicated to one major theme. The Journal is published in English and French and distributed in Africa and internationally. The Journal is mainly online with a small print-run. The Journal is financed by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. It is free of charge and downloadable from the MOJA platform.
Target audience
The main target audience consists of: adult educators working at all levels of the adult education systems in Africa. We invite adult educators who are concerned with teaching, organisation and administration; policy and opinion makers; researchers and specialists in Adult Education and in adjacent fields such as health education, citizenship education, agriculture and community development. In addition, the Journal aims to reach non-professional readers interested in issues related to Adult Education.
How to submit articles
In each issue, a call for submissions for the next issue will be published. Before submission, topic and length have to be settled with the Editor-in-Chief. We prefer submissions via email; please send them to the Editor-in-Chief at editor@mojaafrica.net. Please save the article as a Word file, Open document file, or RTF file and attach it, along with your name, postal mailing address and phone number. We expect you to check all names, titles, dates and facts for accuracy before submitting your article. Unless otherwise indicated, we assume that your article has not been published elsewhere.
Contributors to the Journal are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Writer’s Guidelines before submitting an article. The Writer’s Guidelines are available here. You will also find a simple checklist for your contribution here.
Deadline for Abstracts
March of each year.