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The Home of Africa’s Adult Education Community

Canon Collins Trust - Scholarships in August


1 — 31 August 2023, 08:00 am - 11:30 pm | Africa

The following Canon Collins Trust Scholarships are open in August

University of London LLM Scholarships

Canon Collins Trust invites applications for scholarships to study for the Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and/or the Master of Laws (LLM) by distance learning at the University of London in 2024. Applicants can start at any level, and do not need to complete the whole programme. For example, applicants can start at Postgraduate Certificate level and work their way through to the LLM, or can stop after completing the PG Certificate. Applicants who have completed an LLB degree may start at LLM level, skipping the PG Certificate and Diploma.

Canon Collins Sol Plaatje Scholarships

Canon Collins Trust in partnership with Sol Plaatje Educational Project invite applications for the postgraduate study in South Africa 2024. We will provide funding for up to a maximum of two years for Masters and three years for PhD. Continued funding depends upon satisfactory progress and academic reports.

In 2024, we will be making awards only to those studying in three areas:

1. Justice, which includes Climate Justice, Law, Economics and Politics
2. Education policy and practice
3. Humanities, which includes Literature, History, Anthropology and the Arts

Please only apply if your programme of study falls into one of these disciplines.

Interdisciplinary courses and doctoral studies may sometimes defy easy categorisation. Applicants are urged to use their judgement in assessing whether to apply. But applications that clearly do not fall within these areas (for example MBAs, medical sciences, sports sciences and applied sciences) will not be considered for an award.

In 2024, climate justice will be a priority. Climate Justice related scholarship applications may be in a science or applied science field as long as the application can demonstrate its relevance to climate justice related matters.

Canon Collins RMTF Scholarships for Postgraduate Study

Canon Collins Trust in partnership with Ros Moger and Terry Furlong group invite applications for the postgraduate study in South Africa 2024. Ros and Terry were inspirational London educationalists. Since 2001 friends and family have raised funds in their memory to award scholarships in their name. More information about the history of the RMTF scholarships is here.

Canon Collins Trust in partnership with RMTF seek to support exceptional individuals who are committed to social justice in southern Africa and for whom a postgraduate qualification is an essential tool in working to create an open and just society.

In 2024, we will be making awards only to those studying in three areas:

1. Justice, which includes Climate Justice, Law, Economics and Politics
2. Education policy and practice
3. Humanities, which includes Literature, History, Anthropology and the Arts

Please only apply if your programme of study falls into one of these disciplines.

Interdisciplinary courses and doctoral studies may sometimes defy easy categorisation. Applicants are urged to use their judgement in assessing whether to apply. But applications that clearly do not fall within Justice, Education or Humanities (for example MBAs, economics, medical sciences, sports sciences, applied sciences) will not be considered for an award.

We will provide funding for up to a maximum of two years for Masters and three years for PhD. Continued funding depends upon satisfactory progress and academic reports.


Canon Collins Trust Scholarship 318.299 KB

Upcoming events


La phase II de la Recherche-Action sur la Mesure des Apprentissages des bénéficiaires des programmes d’Alphabétisation (RAMAAII), a développé un guide qui donne des instructions pour élaborer des items permettant de mesurer les compétences et connaissances.

En 2019 (du 28 août au 24 septembre), le Mali, avec l’appui de son partenaire financier, la Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC)-Suisse, a organisé et tenu un atelier technique pour élaborer des items et un questionnaire biographique et de contexte permettant de mesurer les compétences et connaissances issues des programmes d’alphabétisation, conformément aux instructions données dans ce guide.

Au terme de cet atelier, les participants se sont non seulement approprié le contenu du guide en question, mais ils ont aussi et surtout élaborés :

  • § des items pour évaluer les compétences langagières des processus cognitifs : Identification des mots, vocabulaire, compréhension en lecture et orthographe ;
  • § des items pour évaluer les compétences en numérative des processus cognitifs : calcul mathématique, mesure et résolutions de problèmes ;
  • § des items pour évaluer les connaissances dans les domaines de la citoyenneté, de la santé, de l’environnement et du développement socio-économique ;
  • § un questionnaire biographique et de contexte à l’entrée et à la sortie

Pour les besoins de l’enquête pilote à réaliser, instruction a été donnée par L'Institut de l'UNESCO pour l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie (UIL) d’élaborer des outils en langues nationales pour la réalisation de l’enquête pilote. Chaque pays devant déterminer le nombre de langues nationales pour ce travail d’élaboration.

Le présent atelier de formation porte sur la formation des enquêteurs à la passation des outils RAMAA pour l’enquête pilote.

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Past events

Concours des Champions de l'education

CONCOURS des Champions de l'éducation


(i) L'initiative doit être achevée ou en cours depuis au moins un an;

(ii) L'initiative doit couvrir au moins un aspect important de l'éducation: les curricula, le financement, les outils, les synergies, la digitalisation, la recherche scientifique, la recherche-action, le plaidoyer, l'amélioration des politiques;

(iii) L'initiative doit avoir produit des effets avérés sur au moins un aspect/une composante de l'éducation;

(iv) L'initiative doit être une innovation ou tout au moins une amélioration d'une pratique existante;

(v) L'initiative peut concerner directement ou indirectement le PRAQUE-AO.


Le formulaire de participation téléchargeable sur le site web de Pamoja Education ( doit être envoyé au plus tard le 31 mai 2024

à 17h à l'adresse suivante :

Pour plus d'informations, appelez +229 97476407

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Reflecting on 30 years of democracy

The Divisions for Teaching Excellence, Institutional Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring (DIPEM) as well as Academic Development and Support (ADS), invite you to a lecture on: 30 Years of Education Policy and Practice - Looking Back and Looking Forward.

Guest Lecturer: Mr John Samuel | Respondents: Prof Salim Vally & Prof June Bam-Hutchinson

Date: 02 May 2024 | Time: 15:00 - 16:30 (South African Time)

Venue: STH, Sun International Auditorium, Bunting Road Campus, Johannesburg

RSVP: Link

This event will be live streamed.

Zoom Link:

Educationist John Samuel has contributed exceptionally to public life and the well-being of society at large as a leader at the heart of South Africa’s educational development over his lifetime.

Between 1965 and 1975 he was a teacher, education administrator and policy specialist, working in the secondary and post - secondary school systems in Zambia, England, Ghana and Nigeria. In 1979 he was appointed as the Executive Director the Southern African Council of Higher Education (SACHED). SACHED developed into one of the most innovative and pioneering independent education organisations in the country in the 1980s. Building on its long and successful legacy of developing alternatives to apartheid education, SACHED pioneered new developments in such areas as publishing, distance education, mass education through the newspaper, tutorial and support work for students.

As a result of this work, he was approached to head up the ANC’s Education Department during the transition years, playing a critical role through the establishment of the Centre for Education Policy Development and Constitutional working committee in mobilising education research for change and drafting the education clauses of the Constitution.

Between 1994 and 1997 he was appointed to the first Nelson Mandela government Education Department as DDG for Education Policy and Planning, in which capacity he again played a key role in mobilising research forces and crafting new legislation to sweep away the apartheid inheritance. From 1997 he became active in the work of the Kellogg Foundation, with which he developed a programme for rural education.

From 2000-March 2006 he was appointed Chief Executive to the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Under his leadership the foundation commissioned three major national studies that influenced policy development in this country and internationally, including Emerging Voices (2003-2004). This dealt with the critical challenges of rural schooling. The work resulted in the former Minister of Education setting up a rural school forum to develop strategies to tackle these challenges. He founded the Centre for Memory that became the Nelson Mandela Archives. He also launched the 46664 Concerts, a global platform for a major Aids Awareness Campaign, harnessing the commitment and interest of popular musicians and singers from around the world.

John Samuel is a person whose contribution to education in South Africa over time has been exceptional and deserves recognition. Please attend his lecture.

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